Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tightwad Tuesday: Turkey Day Planning

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Turkey Day is just around the corner and it's time to get ready for some serious cooking and the food coma that ensues after.

Over the years, we've hosted the family's Thanksgiving dinner at our home and I've learned a lot of time and money saving ideas that might help you in planning your own holiday feast. I used to stress about having the *perfect* family gathering but have come to realize that it's all about spending time with family and friends and giving thanks on this special day. {Oh, and football of course}.

Have a Potluck Style Dinner
I don't like getting overwhelmed when it comes to entertaining and cooking a Thanksgiving feast for the family. Instead, I commit to doing at least 3 dishes (usually, turkey/dressing, potatoes, green beans and maybe a dessert) and then I ask everyone else to bring a potluck dish of their choosing. Not only do you share the burden of food costs, but you also get to spend time with family and friends for that day.

Plan ahead and shop smart
We usually get our turkey for free from hubby' work which helps a lot. I try to look for coupons or items on sale at the grocery store even days before the *big* celebration. Also buy local and buy items that are seasonal.

Use leftovers
We utilize leftovers all the time. Usually it's plenty of food to last us another 2 or three days worth of dinner.

Keep decor simple and natural. 
As a matter of fact, keep your outfit simple as well, particularly if you're going to be doing a lot of cooking in the kitchen.

Remember to keep it simple. Thanksgiving Day is a day to celebrate with family and friends and how grateful we are for all of our blessings in life. Relax, have fun and don't think that your gathering has to be "perfect".

Something to read:

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