Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Time is Here

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Hi friends! Happy Sunday {already!} .... Ready for Christmas yet???

Here's just some pictures of how our weekend has gone so far.
Happy Hour at Twigs on Friday night
Horse-drawn carriage ride in Downtown Spokane -- wet drizzle which melted most of the snow.

We met up with my SIL and BIL to have dinner at Hooters [not the healthiest of places but what the's the holidays]
Plates of "brown" everywhere.

It was a good thing I taught RIPPED that morning --- wouldn't want all those wings staying in my booty!

I'm definitely feeling like a slug this morning - - U-G-H !

Workout "planned" for Christmas week:

Sunday - RUN 6 miles
Monday - Body PUMP
Tuesday - RPM
Wednesday - Teach Body Attack
Thursday - Body PUMP/Teach Zumba
Friday - RPM
Saturday - RPM or RIPPED
Sunday - Run-day

Meals "planned" for Christmas week:

Sunday - Turkey dinner (hubby is finally cooking our Thanksgiving turkey)
Monday - Leftovers
Tuesday - Turkey and trimmings
Wednesday - Leftover turkey soup ?
Thursday - ?
Friday - ?
Saturday - ?
Sunday - ?

*** Since there's just hubby and I --- I'm gonna have to be creative with tons of "turkey" meals for the next few days.

After my run, I plan on finishing chores around the house and we've got plans to look at Christmas lights tonight with Smallsie.

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